
Fun Tales with Life Lessons

Chronicles of fun and learning: Where Adventure and Wisdom Meet

- By Team mapabear

We as parents do everything in the best of our capacities to give the best to our children. We want them to excel in every aspect of their lives. While the academics and other related aspects are well taken care of considering the educational materials and mediums available to them, what about character development? What about their mental emotional and personality development? Can we do something more so that they are better prepared to face the challenges of life? How do we help them to grow as a human? How do we deal with such discussions with them, teaching them without being preachy?   

Chandni Singh
Chandni Singh - Founder of Rainforest Stories

Stories!! Children are always up for a story no matter what they are doing. Storytelling is the oldest and most effective way of communication, right from the time of cave people drawing on the walls. Storytelling has always been the most powerful way to convey a message or start a discussion. Stories possess a powerful momentum and meaning that stays and often peeps through how we think about or deal with circumstances. 

“Tell Me The Facts And I’ll Learn. Tell Me The Truth And I’ll Believe. But Tell Me A Story And It Will Live In My Heart Forever” –  Native American Proverb  

Rainforest Stories aims to build a platform, a world of stories for children on modern-day issues, and basic yet relevant values; to build a strong tribe of readers, with a love for reading through fun-colorful new stories with subtle yet strong messages that can give the budding generation a broader exposure to be able to grow mentally, emotionally, and socially suited for current times with better preparedness.  

Rainforests are one of the most important ecosystems on earth, and we believe that is what reading is in a child’s growth and development. Similar to the rich bio-diversity of a rainforest, each child is unique in their way, the core color is the same - pure and curious, but each one grows and glows in its own color. It is our responsibility as a society to nurture this innocence and imagination and build a welcoming culture that lets them explore and express themselves freely.  

Zappy and friends show us how little acts of love can make a big difference

Rainforest Stories launched their first book titled “Fun Tales with Life Lessons” on 3 rd June 2023 which is an Amazon Bestseller and has 5-star reviews on various platforms and forums.  

The book is a collection of five fun-filled and adventurous fictional tales with crucial classic-and-contemporary life lessons for children; using a monster, a dragon, aliens, animals, and a mermaid. These stories have been weaved with important morals and values - Gender neutrality and breaking gender stereotypes; Kindness and Honesty; the Importance of good health; Body shaming and Bullying; Open-mindedness and Resourcefulness. The stories are written in easy language, with colorful catchy illustrations, and have an Indian touch to them.  

The first story is about gender neutrality and breaking stereotypes. The story revolves around a fun fluffy monster called Zappy, steering through everyday tasks and plays and breaking gender notions in every way, subtly debunking some of the gendered hobbies and toys, and that children can like or dislike anything irrespective of their gender.   


The second story is about kindness and compassion. It revolves around a magical well and its powers, and narrates how kindness is the only superpower that can change the whole world.

The third story, popular among children is on healthy eating and lifestyle. It is about a planet full of unhealthy aliens who binge on TVs and gadgets all while eating junk; and then how it affects them. The story’s strength lies in its colorful pictures and the strange planet.  

The fourth story, much appreciated by parents, is about body-shaming and standing up to bullies. It has a group of 5 ocean friends and how each of their unique characteristics, which is made fun of by bullies, actually helps them overcome a series of challenges and adventures.   

The fifth one is about open-mindedness, encouraging ‘out of the box’ thinking. This is an important theme because risk-taking, resilience, resourcefulness, and bravery are critical values to be taught to children.   



Love the magic of storytelling and the values it instills in young hearts? Subscribe to Mapabear today and become a part of a community that's dedicated to nurturing happy, thoughtful, and curious little minds. And, if you have a favourite story or life lesson to share? Write to us at editor@mapabear.in 

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